Flapjack Fridays
flapjack/flap-jak/ adjective: short, sweet and satisfying
For what it’s worth, over the past ten months we have battled COVID fatigue by listening to a lot of music and watching a lot of comedy on YouTube … a lot. A good laugh now and then helped to, momentarily, eclipse the COVID crisis.
I’m no comedian, but I decided to create a space to express myself in short posts on random topics on Fridays. I envision this as being a lot like like having flapjacks for dinner—a quick, easy and surprisingly satisfying alternative to the usual.
Disclaimer: this section will rarely have anything to do with food, which comes as no surprise to those who know me. Here, instead, I will serve up topics like How I Survived the Terrors of Adult Learning, Top Ten Must-Haves for Completing a PhD, and Five or Ten Ways We Survived the Quarantine. While the truth is that I eat to live, the truth remains, I cannot live without coffee. So, you can expect some posts now and then reviewing The Best and Worst Coffee Ever.